
First Post

I have been wanting to blog for a while since we are now living in Virginia, away from family.  This is a way for our family to catch up on our life, as well as allowing me to post about our journey as we grow closer to God on our daily walk with Him.  Our goal is to raise our children in a solid Christian environment while growing stronger to God as a couple and as a family.
We have been fortunate enough to find a wonderful church here in Virginia called Greenbrier Church that has really helped us grow in our faith.  We look forward to Sundays (as well as Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for small groups) so that we can learn more and more about our wonderful Creator. 
Chris is enjoying his new job doing forecasting for the Navy.  It is nice for him to finally be home after a year and a half living apart while he was in Japan.  I am currently doing behavior therapy for children with autism, and I hope to become certified soon. 
I am a cloth diapering, breastfeeding (for the first year), natural baby food making, and hopefully VBACing mommy.  I love being a Mommy and enjoy teaching our daughter as much as I possibly can.  I look forward to a hopefully large family one day!  I would love to constantly hear the pitter-patter of little feet.
This blog will take us through life's journey as we grow closer to God, explore living as simple and naturally as possible, and do our best to provide appropriate teachings for our children (currently just child).  


  1. Even though I missed 13 months of Elie's life while I was in Japan, I am simply amazed at how much she's grow in the last 4 months!

  2. I am so happy for the two of you! I am not sure where the Greenbrier Church is, but we lived near the Greenbrier Mall, it's a nice area. I hope that everything is well with you all! I know that God is going to bless you with a large and loving family. I look forward to hearing about how things are going in your life in Virginia.

  3. Hey there! Welcome to blogging! I love it.

  4. yay! I look forward to keeping up on this blog.

  5. Welcome to blogging! We share some similarities ...cloth diapering, breastfeeding -- mine is 23 mos and still nursing, natural baby food...all such natural blessings.

    I look forward to reading your posts :)

  6. Hi Lexie, thanks for following me! :)
    I see you are working with autistic kids. You might be interested in this music site. The author writes lots of posts involving autism and music lessons. http://www.music-for-music-teachers.com/autism.html
    Welcome to the world of blogging!
