
Pinterest Challenge #37-38 - What goes into my dryer?

Months ago I purchased a Downy dryer bar, and after it melted all over my comforter, I can now say that I'm not a fan.  So, I recently began a search for an alternative to dryer sheets, and thanks to two pins on Pinterest, I now have a new dryer technique.
The 1st Pinterest idea is from Junk in their Trunk, and it is quite simple.  Take pieces of aluminum foil, lightly ball it up, and throw it into your dryer.  This significantly reduced my static cling.  I simple reuse the foil over and over again.  When it gets into too tight of a ball, I loosen it - that simple.  I include three or four of these balls each time I use my dryer.
The 2nd Pinterest idea is from Homemade Mamas, and I love the smell it has added to my laundry.  These are reuseable dryer sheets.  Years ago I cut up a yard of fleece for reuseable baby wipes for my little one.  I set a few aside to do something with one day.  So three years later, I got to use them.  I will say, seeing the wipes did make me a little sad being as it has been almost two years since I have used them.  I am very eager to use them again on another baby bottom.
Ok now back to dryer sheets.  In an old Cool Whip container, I mixed 4 parts fabric softener (1 cup) and 10 parts hot water (2.5 cups) then added the fleece.  When I do laundry, I just pick up one or two sheets, gently squeeze most of the liquid back into the container, and then add it to the dryer.  I find it helpful to dry my hand off with an item in the dryer (esp. hubby's socks) to make sure that item comes out smelling great.  Then once the dryer is done, I put the wipes back into the solution, and wait to do laundry again.


  1. huh, that's a great idea with the fleece!

  2. I really like that idea about using the fleece...I'm going to have to try that.
